The Survivor Tree stands slightly to the left in this photograph of the Memorial plaza. The tree's dark green leaves are contrasted by the lighter green leaves of the trees on either side of it.
Photo by Jin S. Lee

Health and Safety

We remain committed to ensuring that the 9/11 Memorial Museum remains a safe experience for all. We ask that visitors prepare for the possibility of operational changes, as needed. We reserve the right to ask visitors who do not follow these guidelines to leave the premises.

  • sick icon
  • hand sanitizer icon

Masks are optional

Masks are optional at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, but visitors are welcome and encouraged to wear them at any time. Disposable masks are available on site. 

Please do not enter if you’re feeling ill

If you are feeling ill, please stay home.

Please use hand sanitizer during your visit

Hand sanitizer dispensers are located throughout the plaza and Museum.

Coat check now available

Our coat check is once again available. Note that we cannot accommodate oversized bags, and they are not permitted in the Museum either. Please plan your visit accordingly.