The 9/11 Memorial & Museum engages a variety of stakeholders to fulfill its mission to educate the public about the lasting consequences of 9/11.

We offer a host of resources for 9/11 family members. Our registries for survivors and witnesses, rescue and recovery workers, and artists provide dynamic opportunities to maintain a connection. For news from the Memorial and Museum, and for more information about how to get involved, follow our MEMO blog.
9/11 Family Members

If you are a 9/11 family member, plan your visit using the family member visitor information page. You can use this guide to locate a loved one's name on the Memorial. Learn more about our Birthday Rose program, in which we place a white rose on the Memorial at the name of a victim on his or her birthday.
You can contribute photographs, personal mementos, and remembrances of your loved one to the memorial exhibition, which commemorates the lives of those killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. Find out more about the memorial exhibition.

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum works in partnership with many communities impacted by 9/11, including survivors and witnesses, rescue and recovery workers, service members and veterans, and artists.

The 9/11 Memorial & Museum pays tribute to the victims and honors the survivors of the September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993 terror attacks and observes the anniversary of the end of the 9/11 rescue and recovery efforts.