New Our City. Our Story. Podcasts Feature Imam, NY1 Reporter

George Whipple and Imam Khalid Latif in the Our City. Our Story. podcast series.

This month’s new episodes in the Our City. Our Story. podcast series tell the stories of a well-known New York reporter and religious leader.

George Whipple is known as the man with the thick eyebrows who reports society news for NY1 News. When he isn’t on the red carpet, or working as an attorney in a midtown law firm, this New Yorker is working on the farm he owns in upstate New York. In Episode 9: The Eyebrow Man, Whipple discusses ways that his diverse communities came together to help revive the city and to honor the memory of those who were killed.

Imam Khalid Latif grew up in Edison, NJ as a star of his high school football team. A student at New York University when the 9/11 attacks occurred, Latif’s faith began to evolve as he assumed a leadership position in the Muslim American community that faced new challenges in the aftermath. In Episode 10: The Imam, Latif recounts this journey that led him to become the NYPD department chaplain, and the executive director of the Islamic Center for NYU.

These stories are a part of the Our City. Our Story. podcast series that highlights the experiences of New Yorkers who were impacted by Sept. 11. The series is also available on iTunes.

By 9/11 Memorial Staff

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New on View: 'Looking South’ Painting Donated by Fiduciary Trust

A Museum visitor views the art piece “Looking South” by Daniel Kohn. The artwork, which depicts lower Manhattan and New York Harbor from above, is four-stories tall and towers over the visitor.

Current and former employees of Fiduciary Trust Company International gathered at the 9/11 Memorial Museum Wednesday for the public unveiling of "Looking South," a four-stories tall painting the firm commissioned in tribute to its 89 colleagues plus contractors and visitors killed on 9/11.

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Philippe Petit’s High-Wire Walk Between the Towers

High-wire walker Philippe Petit balances on a wire between the Twin Towers in this black-and-white photo from 1974.

During the early morning hours of August 7, 1974, French high-wire artist Philippe Petit took his position at 1,350 feet above ground in the South Tower.

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