9/11 Memorial Commemorates Pulse Nightclub Attack
9/11 Memorial Commemorates Pulse Nightclub Attack
The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum is a photography series devoted to documenting moments big and small that unfold at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
The View: Today on the fourth anniversary of the Pulse nightclub attack, we remember the special ceremony held on the 9/11 Memorial plaza last year on June 12, 2019. Members of the public tied nearly 10,000 rainbow-colored ribbons on the railing surrounding the Survivor Tree. The Peace of Heart Choir performed a musical tribute at the Survivor Tree. The anniversary coincided with WorldPride 2019 and Stonewall 50.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Former SEAL Describes Essential Role of Dogs in Military Operations
On Monday, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum continued its new digital public program series by welcoming Will Chesney, former Navy SEAL and author of the new book No Ordinary Dog: My Partner from the SEAL Teams to the Bin Laden Raid.
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Ground Zero Flag Endures as a Symbol of Hope and Rebuilding

A photograph of three firefighters hoisting an American flag above the scorched ruins and persistent fires of the World Trade Center site became a symbol of hope and rebuilding in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. But soon after its raising, the flag disappeared from Ground Zero.