Ship Found at WTC Site to Be Displayed in Albany
Ship Found at WTC Site to Be Displayed in Albany

An 18th-century wooden ship that was unearthed during the excavation of the World Trade Center site will now travel to Albany to be displayed at the New York State Museum, The New York Times reported earlier this week.
In 2010, workers excavating the World Trade Center site discovered a 30-foot long section of the wooden vessel 20-30 feet below street level. A year later, they uncovered a three-foot section of the ship’s bow. Then, in July 2014, a report found that the ship dated back to around 1773 and was likely constructed in a shipyard near Philadelphia.
The ship’s transportation to Albany is being financed by the board of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, or LMDC. According to the Times, LMDC has authorized as much as $1.1 million to “further conserve and exhibit the ship.”
“Albany was a central part of the entire maritime culture of colonial and post-colonial America,” LMDC President David Emil told the Times.
By Jordan Friedman, 9/11 Memorial Research and Digital Projects Associate
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