Registration Open for 9/11 Memorial & Museum Nationwide Run/Walk Registration
Registration Open for 9/11 Memorial & Museum Nationwide Run/Walk Registration

Registration is now open for the annual 9/11 Memorial & Museum 5K Run/Walk, to be held on Sunday, April 25, 2021.
Although we will not be able to run in person, this year the event will be available nationwide to all who wish to participate, with the goal of running or walking a total of 20,000 miles on April 25. As every year, this event will provide a wonderful opportunity for you and your community to come together to remember a loved one killed on 9/11, to honor the service of our first responders and frontline workers, to recapture a sense of unity and hope, or to connect with colleagues, family, and friends.
This year, participation is 100 percent free, but if you register now and raise or donate $100 before March 1, you will receive an exclusive 20 percent discount on a purchase at the Museum Store.
Following the financial impact of our six-month closure in 2020, all raised and donated funds will help to ensure that the 9/11 Memorial & Museum can continue to fulfill its critical mission and provide a sacred place of remembrance and reflection as we prepare to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Help us complete our challenge to run or walk 20,000 miles by registering today.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Upcoming Public Program: "The Rise of Global Jihad"

We are pleased to present the next program in our When the World Changes digital conversation series at 2 p.m. ET on Monday, February 8.
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Thomas Hegghammer Addresses the Rise in Global Jihad
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