A Look Back at 9/11 Anniversary Ceremony Coverage
A Look Back at 9/11 Anniversary Ceremony Coverage

The 14th anniversary of 9/11 received a wide variety of media coverage across the country and beyond. The event was also live streamed at 911memorial.org to a global audience.
Newsday spoke with several 9/11 family members, including first-time attendee NormaJean Adams, 27, of Staten Island. At the ceremony, Adams read her father's name, Charles Joseph Margiotta, and mentioned that she had just gotten married.
The USA Today spoke with many visitors from around the world. Among the visitors were Paul Troth, from Birmingham, England. Troth told USA Today he was “drawn to the site to mark the anniversary. I feel an emotion around here. It makes it a lot more real.”
The Telegram of Canada took note that this was the second year the Memorial was open by mid-afternoon to the general public. The story says that “After years as a private commemoration, the anniversary of Sept. 11 at ground zero now also has become an occasion for public reflection on the site of the terror attacks.”
By Anthony Guido, 9/11 Memorial Director of Communications
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