The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum
The Lens: Capturing Life and Events at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum is a photography series devoted to documenting moments big and small that unfold at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
The View: The Twin Towers under construction from the vantage point of the Staten Island Ferry. Construction on both the 110-story buildings began in 1966. They were officially dedicated in 1973. The more than 1,300-feet-tall towers were the tallest buildings in New York City, and for a brief period, they were the tallest buildings in the world.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Ground Zero Photo Inspires 15-Year Pursuit

A crinkled photograph found in the rubble at ground zero prompted Australian photographer Nathan Edwards to embark on a 15-year search to find the young woman and toddler pictured in the snapshot, according to an article for News Corp Australia.
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No Day Shall Erase You: New 9/11 Museum Book Published

Today marks the release date of the 9/11 Memorial Museum’s definitive, official companion book “No Day Shall Erase You: The Story of 9/11 as told at the National September 11 Memorial Museum.”