Ex-FDNY Captain: Entering Ground Zero 'was like landing on another planet.'
Ex-FDNY Captain: Entering Ground Zero 'was like landing on another planet.'

Former New York City fire Capt. Dan Daly grew so angry when he watched the World Trade Center's north tower collapse and kill his fellow firefighters that he felt compelled to join the military and pick up a weapon.
He would instead pick up a microphone and embark on speaking tours with the hope of educating and inspiring audiences with 9/11 stories of courage, compassion and heroism, according to the Palm Beach Daily News. Daly, who was a 24-year veteran before retiring, had worked for six months at ground zero, where he said he saw the "best of mankind and the worst of mankind."
"It was like landing on another planet," Daly told the newspaper. Daly said his experiences at ground zero prompted him to begin his inspirational speaking tours.
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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