Construction Progress Marks Rebirth of WTC
Construction Progress Marks Rebirth of WTC

Several media outlets have recently detailed the revitalization of Lower Manhattan and the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site, which is flourishing more than 13 years after the attacks of 9/11.
Metro recently reported, “The evidence of New Yorkers’ resilience in the wake of tragedy is everywhere in Lower Manhattan. It’s in the emotional 9/11 memorial, the gleaming new World Trade Center buildings, and, this week, it’s in the re-opening of a pathway that’s been closed since the terrorist attacks back in 2001.” This newly opened pathway is located on the north side of Liberty Street near 4 World Trade Center and the 9/11 Memorial plaza.
Additionally, The Downtown Express reported that Platform B of the WTC’s PATH station opened yesterday – putting it “back to pre-9/11 capacity” – and new entrances at 4 WTC and 2 WTC are slated to open soon, possibly in June.
The New York Times reported on the Oculus structure at the World Trade Center Transportation Hub, which is also expected to become open to limited pedestrian traffic next month. Catherine McVay Hughes, chairwoman of Community Board 1, told the Times, “This is another key milestone of the reincorporation of the World Trade Center into the fabric of Lower Manhattan.”
By Jordan Friedman, 9/11 Memorial Research and Digital Projects Associate
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