After Cross-Country Walkathon for 9/11 Anniversary, Disabled Veteran Embarks on New Mission
After Cross-Country Walkathon for 9/11 Anniversary, Disabled Veteran Embarks on New Mission

Bethlehem Patch recently reported Anthony LoBue, 69, who is better known as Tony the Vet, began a new walkathon after crossing the United States in the months leading up to the 10-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
LoBue, who founded Support Our Veterans Association in 2010, will continue raising awareness for veterans with a walking journey that will take him from Pennsylvania to New York City by March 11, according to the report. On Sept. 11, 2010, LoBue began a cross-country walk from his San Diego home that would take him to Ground Zero a year later.
By 9/11 Memorial staff
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Filmmaker Documenting Curation of 9/11 Memorial Museum Gives Talk

"Seven Days in September" filmmaker Steven Rosenbaum on Thursday will be making a presentation at the TED conference in Long Beach, Calif. Rosenbaum is expected to give a speech about his now six-years-long work documenting the curation of the 9/11 Memori
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International Essay and Film Contest for Teens Explores How 9/11 Changed the World

The 9/11 London Project is offering teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 a chance to explore the ongoing implications of 9/11 and to earn a trip to New York City, where they will visit the 9/11 Memorial. The 9/11 London Project is an educational c