9/11 Museum Educators Travel to NY Schools on 9/11

9/11 Museum educator Jennifer Lagasse reads "The Man in the Red Bandanna" to students at PS 199.

On the anniversary of Sept. 11, educators and docents from the 9/11 Memorial Museum traveled throughout the five boroughs to teach students about the attacks in a new program called Anniversary in the Schools.

The museum developed the program because of a recognized need in the education community. “Teachers frequently ask us ‘How to do I talk to my students about 9/11?’” said Megan Jones, 9/11 Memorial senior manager of education programs. “It is a difficult topic to approach, especially because the anniversary always falls at the start of the school year when teachers are still getting to know their students.”

Educators and docents traveled to 24 schools to teach 1,400 students, ranging in age from elementary to high school. The team created age-appropriate curriculum for this program, including lessons centered on bravery and heroism, such as the story of civilian responder Welles Crowther.

“It’s especially important on the anniversary day to spread the Museum’s presence as widely as we can, and to bring the story of 9/11 to schools across the city,” said Clifford Chanin, 9/11 Memorial vice president of education and programs. “Nothing can replace a live interaction with an educator in a classroom, and we were very pleased to share our lessons with 1,400 students on September 11.”

This is the program’s first year and because of the strong response, there are plans to expand it next year. Zaharoula Skulikidis, a teacher at Long Island City High School said, “I've been teaching for 15 years and this was quite possibly one of the most memorable events I had ever hosted in my classroom for myself and my students.”

For more information and lesson plans, click here.

By Jenny Pachucki, 9/11 Memorial Content Strategist 

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