9/11 Memorial Museum revealed (Updated X3)
9/11 Memorial Museum revealed (Updated X3)
A sloping ramp will lead visitors into bedrock and into the space of the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Yesterday, a small group of news reporters and 9/11 victims' families members were led on a tour of the space by Memorial Museum Director Alice Greenwald and museum architects Steven Davis and Mark Wagner. The tour walked under the high-ceiling chamber, by the so-called Survivors Staircase and the Last Column.
Update: Here's the AP report. In the Wall Street Journal, Davis admitted his design approach is vastly different from a majority of museums. The so-called slurry wall and foundations box columns for the south tower are archeolgical compoenents that are part of his design as well as exhibits. "The exhibits are the icon. It's the inverse of a traditional museum in those respects," said Davis, partner of Davis Brody Bond LLP.
By Michael Frazier, Sr. Communications Manager for the 9/11 Memorial
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Meet Alice Greenwald, 9/11 Memorial Museum Director
Alice M. Greenwald has been working in museums for more than 30 years, a job she loves immensely."You get to shape something from the ground up," she said.Greenwald has been the Director of the 9/11 Memorial Museum since 2006. As director, Greenwald is re
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The WTC's steel 'tridents' are returning to ground zero (Updated)
Salvaged from ground zero after the 9/11 attacks, the tridents are being resurrected and will greet visitors as they enter the pavilion of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.